
Here I will start by presenting the family trees that I have researched. Some parts of the family trees require login to view (now living persons). If you want to access any of these family trees, then you can request access, in that case you need to tell me why you want to access that specific family tree hidden persons. You can request access by filling out the form at the bottom of the family pages or by going to my contact page and sending an e-mail, if you are sending an e-mail please don’t forget to tell me why you want to have access to that particular family tree and it’s living persons.

The families that I have researched are:

My mother and father’s side, Marianne Södergren b. Lindström and Folke Södergren.

My husband’s mother and father’s side, Ingrid Lindström b. Svensson and Harry Lindström.

My children’s father’s page Bengt Modigh.

My grandchildren’s mother and father’s pages:

Hilkka Pyörälä and Lars-Ove Toresson and Ann Södergren and Bengt Modigh.

Maj-Britt Jacobsson b. Johansson and Helge Jacobsson and Ann Södergren and Bengt Modigh.

Monica Hellqvist b. Hållander and Christer Hellqvist as well as Ann Södergren and Bengt Modigh.

My husband’s children’s mother and father’s side Anne Djerf b. Sundén and Lars Lindström.